On Tuesday, May 17 from 10:00am to 4:00pm Enjoy Email Marketing Services will host a Constant Contact workshop. The workshop will take place at the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce.
The cost is $35 for non-members and $25 for Chamber members and non-profits. Company check or cash will be accepted:no credit cards
30 minute sessions will be scheduled by appointment only. Email pamwoodmarketing@gmail.com by Friday, May 13 to schedule your session. Payment is due at the time of review. Please bring your username and login password.
Items to be reviewed:
- Your most recent newsletter campaign
- Your open and click rates
- Your contact lists/segmenting
- Your social media connections
- How to grow your contact list
Pam Wood, your local Solution Provider will sit down one on one and provide friendly professional feedback and recommendations to help your email campaigns shine! Sometimes one small can tweak can mean more revenue for you.