The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the September 15th General Membership Luncheon featuring guest speaker Chris Eccleston at the Black Diamond Lodge in Fruitland Maryland. Chris is currently the Founder and President of Delmarva Veteran Builders his latest business venture, TrashForce, both headquartered in Salisbury Maryland.
Chris founded Delmarva Veteran Builders in 2007 and since then has manages more than $150 million in commercial construction projects across Delmarva.
DVB has become one of the nation’s fastest growing companies with a diverse portfolio of projects. Chris’s message at the Chamber luncheon was inspirational and forward thinking. Chris spoke about the fact that the construction industry is in peril with a shortage of trained trades personnel.
His message, among many, was “We must make the trades cool and fun again. We must mobilize our industry against society’s stigma surrounding the trades.”
The construction industry needs to find ways to inspire the next generation to understand and appreciate the trades in a way that has never been done before. One way he is working to do this is with his new children’s book “Grit Leads to Greatness.”
Authors Jenny Schroen and Chris Eccleston teamed up with world-class illustrator Alejandro Echaves, in working to revolutionize society’s perception surrounding the trades by bringing fantastical characters to life for children of all ages.
Chris also continually strives to improve the jobsite experience and working conditions for his workforce. Delmarva Veteran Builders set up outdoor lunch stations on jobsites complete with kitchens stations, shade, and picnic tables. “No one should eat lunch in the dirt, unless you’re a kid!”
Chris commented that to be successful, one must “Drive others to greatness, the world does not remember ordinary, dream big and inspire others to do the same! Cast a vision, invite others to join, elevate with purpose, deliver the dream, then go dream again.”
During the presentation, attendees were invited by artist Bill Wolff to be a part of an exciting new Downton Riverwalk sculpture, sponsored by Delmarva Veteran Builders.
For more information about Chris and philosophy of Dream Big for Small Business, visit DelmarvaVeteranBuilders.com or GritLeadsToGreatness.com.