Delmarva Veteran Builders, the region’s only commercial construction firm dedicated to bringing employment to U.S. Armed Forces Veterans, announced it has been hired by Hudson Health Services Inc. for the full renovation of 1505 Emerson Avenue in Salisbury, the former Red Cross Headquarters.
Both the interior and exterior of the 4,200 square foot building is being renovated and will serve as the organizations new administrative and admissions offices. The building will also include space for family groups, employee trainings, community trainings, and board meetings.
“When our services as builders can better serve our community we become passionate about the mission,” said Chris Eccleston, Delmarva Veteran Builders. “More rooms for more beds on campus means more opportunity for recovery.”
“Over the years, we have continued to grow according to our community’s needs,” said Leslie Brown, President and CEO, Hudson Health Services Inc. “Because of this growth, our staff size has doubled and we have increased our patient capacity so we needed the additional space. We hope that by staying in tune with the urgency of the need for treatment, our flexibility and willingness to expand, along with the support of our local community, we can continue to provide quality patient care right here in Salisbury. We currently have 48 beds on campus and will likely be adding more. I needed a general contractor to handle everything – someone I could trust. I have seen a lot of positive press on Delmarva Veteran Builders and when I met Chris I knew instantly it was going to be a good relationship.”
According to Delmarva Veteran Builder project manager Lee Beauchamp and superintendent Brian Anderson, the project is scheduled to be complete by November, 2017.
For more information about the project, visit www.delmarvaveteranbuilders.com.