Delmarva Veteran Builders, the region’s only commercial construction firm dedicated to bringing employment to U.S. Armed Forces Veterans, announced work has begun on renovations to the Salisbury University Downtown Art Gallery in the Gallery Building at 212 West Main Street in Salisbury.
“We are excited to transform this space into a downtown destination for Salisbury University to use as an outlet to showcase local talent,” said Chris Eccleston, Delmarva Veteran Builders, president. “The exhibits will attract community members and visitors alike and complement the revitalization that is evolving in our downtown.”
The 4,150 square foot, single floor project is scheduled to take three months and include the addition of a catering kitchen, café, a sliding wall and four art galleries. The space will also be equipped with a high tech lighting system
“We have a good working relationship with Delmarva Veteran Builders,” said Max Verbits, project architect for Salisbury University. “They have a great superintendent on the job, a dedicated project manager and have put together a great team of sub-contractors. We are excited for the outcome and opening up a top notch gallery space in downtown Salisbury.”
The Grand Opening for the Downtown Art Gallery will feature The Smithsonian Show and is scheduled for September 15 to coincide with 3rd Friday.
Salisbury University is a repeat client for Delmarva Veteran Builders. The team also helped build the Guerrieri Academic Commons and renovated the Richard A. Henson Medical Simulation Center.
For more information, visit www.delmarvaveteranbuilders.com.