Salisbury, MD – Delmarva Veteran Builders (DVB) is marking the 2021 Construction Safety Week by creating community awareness of the topic, reinforcing the importance to our team and dedicating ourselves to being more ‘holistic’ in our safety efforts.
Construction firms across the U.S. and Canada band together for the annual Safety Week, a construction industry-wide education and awareness event. Safety Week 2021 will be held May 3-7. This year’s theme is “Holistic Safety – Be Present. Be Focused. Be Safe.”
DVB will share insight from its team to the community, for the public to gain a unique perspective into working on a construction jobsite. Our Superintendent Wes Reed said it best, “Safety is first, building is second.”. To align with this year’s theme, DVB will bring in a yoga instructor and a speaker on mental health for the entire company to participate and understand we support mental health in our company and across this industry.
Construction is a physically and mentally demanding occupation. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the construction industry has one of the highest suicide rates compared to other industries. Factors such as prolonged stress, anxiety, financial concerns or tensions with a family member, a boss or coworker can cause workers to lose focus. Let’s encourage everyone across our community to always be present, focused and safe.
Safety Week was founded by several leading contractors in the Construction Industry Safety Initiative (CISI) and the Incident & Injury Free Executive Forum (IIF). For a full list of Safety Week members, partners, and sponsors and additional information, visit www.constructionsafetyweek.com.
For more information, visit www.delmarvaveteranbuilders.com.
To see this article on our news feed visit https://www.delmarvaveteranbuilders.com/safetyweek.
About Delmarva Veteran Builders: Delmarva Veteran Builders is the region’s only commercial construction firm dedicated to bringing employment to U.S. Armed Forces Veterans. Launched in 2013 by Navy Veteran Chris Eccleston, it has become one of the fastest growing companies in the nation while maintaining a 50% veteran and reservist workforce. Located in Salisbury Maryland, Delmarva Veteran Builders is up for the challenge to provide an extraordinary customer service experience, while committing to innovation in quality and new construction techniques.