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The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore has activated its Disaster Relief Fund to assist recovery efforts for areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey. The Foundation will match the first $5,000 in donations to this emergency fund.

One hundred percent of the contributions to the Community Foundation’s “Disaster Relief Fund” will be directed to the Greater Houston Community Foundation’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. This will support the long term recovery efforts for the storm-ravaged region.

“As the magnitude of the catastrophe confronting Texas and the Gulf coastal region unfolds, it is clear that a sustained relief effort will be required to assist survivors and their communities,” said Erica Joseph, CFES President. “We last utilized our Disaster Relief efforts in response to local needs from Superstorm Sandy and saw firsthand the generosity from those outside our region.”

Lower Shore residents have shown time and again their commitment to helping others in need and this fund will help facilitate a coordinated response. “Living in an area vulnerable to storms, many of our own communities and citizens know too well the devastation of flooding. We hope the contributions to this fund will allow the Lower Shore to spread its philanthropic spirit to our Gulf Coast neighbors.”

Contributions should be mailed to: Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, Disaster Relief Fund, 1324 Belmont Avenue, Suite 401, Salisbury, MD 21804 or online at www.cfes.org/donate.


About the Community Foundation: As leaders, grant makers, and stewards of philanthropy, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore connects people who care to causes that matter for the common good of the Lower Eastern Shore. We are a 501c3 nonprofit with an inspiring history of fostering charitable endeavors, and have provided more than $65 million in grants and scholarships to the local community since 1984. We collaborate with individuals, families, and businesses to match their charitable interests with community needs and strengthen local nonprofits through grants and resources. We are devoted to improving our regional community and believe in the power of philanthropy.

For information contact: Victoria Kent, Marketing Officer | 410-742-9911 |vkent@CFES.org