On Wednesday, May 16th at noon, Gloria Rojas will speak at the Heritage Museums and Gardens of Dorchester. This is open to the public and donations are gladly accepted.
Ms. Rojas will share about her career as a news reporter, after becoming the first Puerto Rican reporter in New York City just before 1970. Just where this work took her, what obstacles she had to overcome and what highlights she enjoyed will be discussed in this casual talk.
The Heritage Museums and Gardens will be host to a Screen Painting Workshop on Tuesday, May 22nd from 10 am until noon (or when the projects are done!). All materials and supplies will be provided and the cost will be $15/DC Historical Society members or $25 for everyone else.
This workshop is being sponsored and led by Brookview Hope which is a shop featuring precious junk and shining treasures in the quaint town of Brookview. Taken from the vintage art of screen painting made popular in Baltimore in the early 1900s, this program simplifies the process and allows everyone to be an artist!
Space is limited, so please reserve early by calling 410.228.7953 or email dchs@verizon.net. The Heritage Museums are located at 1003 Greenway Drive in Cambridge.