Believe it or not the Holiday Season is upon us! One of the local highlights of this season is the Annual Downtown Salisbury Holiday Tree Lighting. This wonderful community event will be held a little earlier this year, in conjunction with November 16th 3rd Friday from 5-6:30PM. The Holiday Tree Lighting will include performances by local choirs, dance troupes and bands, plus local vendors and a visit from Santa!
To fundraise for the event, and to promote local businesses, The Salisbury Arts & Entertainment District & The Downtown Visitor Center is teaming up with the local businesses to organize wreath sponsorships to beautify the Plaza area, to be hung the week of Thanksgiving.
Beautiful live wreaths will be purchased, complete with a bright red bow, for each of the light poles on the Salisbury Downtown Plaza. Your business can sponsor a wreath for only $35, and your business’s name will be prominently displayed on your wreath. Participation is greatly appreciated!
If you would like to be a part of making Downtown Salisbury beautiful, simply fill out the form below and return it to the Downtown Salisbury Visitor Center at the address listed on the form by Nov 15th. If you have any questions or would like to help us in this event, contact Amy Zaprowski at 410-677-1916 or info@downtownsalisbury.org.
Wreath Sponsorship Form
Business Name: ______________________________________
Contact Number: ___________ Contact Email ______________________
Number of Wreaths: _______ @ $35/wreath ____________ Amount Enclosed
Please make checks payable to Salisbury Arts & Entertainment District, or attach cash.
Credit Card: Circle Type (MC, VISA, Am. Express)
CC #____________________________ Expiration Date:_______ Security Code: ______
Mail your order form to the address below, OR bring it by the Downtown Salisbury Visitor Center, OR Call Jamie for pick-up at (410)-430-2861
Salisbury Arts & Entertainment District, Inc – 110 N. Division St, Suite 1- Salisbury MD 21801