SALISBURY, MD – Delmarva Veteran Builders (DVB) is a fresh, gritty commercial construction firm igniting potential and doing epic things. Launched in 2013 by Navy Veteran Chris Eccleston, it has become one of the fastest-growing companies in the nation while maintaining a 50% veteran and reservist workforce.
DVB created the Grit Leads to Greatness Award to highlight the “Grittiness” of individuals or organizations in our commUNITY. The award is a bronze cast Buffalo handcrafted by local artisan Laura West. The Buffalo is a visual representation of what it takes to achieve greatness in leadership. Buffalo is our nation’s mammal and also DVB’s spirit animal. When faced with an impending storm, a herd of buffalo’s instinct is to face the challenge head-on. They charge the storm.
DVB believes in the word GRIT. The company’s tagline is Grit Leads to Greatness, with its first core value being Operation GRIT- focusing on teaching future generations why it’s the cornerstone to a well-lived life. To further this goal, a children’s book called Grit Leads to Greatness has been written and is currently under production with a release date of spring 2023.
DVB defines GRIT as having unyielding courage when faced with challenges. Grit embodies so many different traits and characteristics of leadership. It is messy, rough, and abrasive, but forces people to face any challenge and compels them to keep going.
As part of the retirement ceremony for Dr. Donna Hanlin, Chris Eccleston had the distinct honor and privilege to present this award on behalf of the team and families at Delmarva Veteran Builders. This is the first time DVB has given an award to a commUNITY member for their service and gritty leadership ability. Chris highlighted Dr. Donna Hanlin’s efforts to engage deeply with the commUNITY working to build strong relationships. Her ability to cast a vision for a better tomorrow for our local public education system led to higher graduation rates and a public school for the arts. Her greatness was solidified as she showed incredible leadership and courage in navigating the school system through an unprecedented pandemic.
Dr. Donna Hanlin showed that Grit Leads to Greatness and DVB is forever grateful.
Read more about Grit Leads to Greatness and the mission of DVB at DelmarvaVeteranBuilders.com