The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce was delighted to join on December 19, 2023 co-founders Sherry Byrd and Martin Melson C.R.N.P. in a ribbon cutting celebration of their new office, Eastern Shore Primary Care & Wellness, which is opening its doors on January 22, 2024.
Byrd and Melson, who combined have over 60 years of experience in the field of primary care, and their dynamic team of nurse practitioners, will be offering primary care services such as suture and staple removals, ear lavage, ECG, pap smears, punch biopsy, DOT physicals, urine drug testing, Covid-19 testing, rapid flu test, and in-house lab services. Spa treatments, such as Botox and much more, will be added in the future. The soothing and beautifully decorated office is very spacious and has a capacity for 9 exam rooms.
The co-founders welcomed a group of 50+ shared that “This is a remarkable thing, in 8 ½ weeks with the support our family, friends, our community dreams come true! First of all, we thank God, special thanks to Cody at SVN, Tara at M&T, Tezzla, Avery Hall, Privia, and many others for helping us get here. A lot of businesses in town have also been instrumental in our future opening. We are very overwhelmed and humbled that everyone is here to support us. Gratitude to our office staff, who gave us their time for free, and helped us get this office looking like this; we are now family. Thanks to the SACC for helping us coordinate this ribbon cutting, as we already have patients that are trying to find us. We are accepting new patients, all insurance carriers, just sign up!”
The ribbon cutting celebration, which was well attended by chamber members, family and busin
esses associated to primary care, included a delicious buffet that included pulled pork and brisket, baked bean, salad, crab dip, crudité and assorted cheeses; and all guests had the opportunity to participate in a fun door prize raffle.
Eastern Shore Primary Care & Wellness opening date is January 22, 2024, and is accepting new patients, 13 and older. For more information call 410-936-5500 or email sbyrd@easternshoreprimary.com