Entrepreneur of the Year Award Banquet

Orange, blue, and white logo for the MCE Palmer Gillis Entrepreneur of the Year

Maryland Capital Enterprises is all about nurturing and encouraging entrepreneurship to grow here on the Eastern Shore. We are proud to announce the 3rd Annual MCE Entrepreneur of the Year Award Banquet, that will honor the entrepreneurial spirit of the businessmen and women here on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

The award will be presented at MCE’s Annual Award Banquet on November 6th, 2014. This year we are having an Award Banquet at Salisbury University in the Wicomico room of the Guerrieri Center from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Come out and join us to celebrate Entrepreneurship and see who will receive MCE’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Nominees will be chosen from Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester counties. To be a table sponsor please contact Lisa Twilley at ltwilley@marylandcapital.org.