On April 12th the Salisbury Zoo will be filled with teams of volunteers of all ages and abilities to raise awareness that people with disabilities can and want to work and give back to their community. Come on out between 9:00 and noon for this 5th Annual ESBLN Able to Work Spring Spruce Up to cheer on Team Avery Hall Insurance Group, Teams Sam’s Club 1 & 2, Team Pepsi Bottling Ventures, Team WalMart Fruitland, Team WalMart North, and Team Home Depot. Joining us again for a second year is the Make It Matter Youth Action Team representing leadership from local high schools. Please support this year’s additional sponsors: Apple Discount Drugs, Arby’s, and Subrunners. The Beautification Committee of the Chamber will also have volunteers cleaning up around Salisbury with its Stash Your Trash volunteers. These events are rain or shine so wish for good weather on the 12th!