On April 26th, 2016 from 5:30-7:30pm there will be a Childcare Business Workshop at the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, 144 E Main St Salisbury, MD 21801. The instructor for this course is Michelle Twilley, Owner & Manager at Little Sprouts Child Care Center in Hebron, MD.
The course fee is $15 non-refundable after April 19th.
Discover whether being a childcare provider is for you. Before making the decision to open a child care business, it is a good idea to look carefully at your life situation, family needs, career goals and skills, and decide if entrepreneurship is right for you. We will discuss the steps needed to become a licensed childcare provider, and together will evaluate how well suited you are to run a childcare business.
Pre-registration is required. To pre-register or for more information regarding this course or other general inquiries, please contact Lisa, Administrative Manager of MCE Women’s Business Center by telephone: 410-546-1900 or via email: ltwilley@marylandcapital.org. Sign up online at www.marylandcapital.org