Komen Maryland is pleased to partner with the Breast Cancer Program at The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins to provide the “Tools for Survivorship: Thriving After Breast Cancer Treatment” Webinar on Wed, September 17, 2014 from 7-8P EST. This program will provide a FREE LIVE Webinar with Q&A to educate Breast Cancer Survivors, Co-survivors, Families, Caregivers about long-term survivorship and thriving after treatment.
This webinar is FREE and open to all survivors, from the newly diagnosed to long term survivors and those living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, caregivers, family members, and medical providers. Pre-registration is required. For questions, please contact Elissa Bantug at ebantug1@jhmi.edu.
To register visit: http://bit.ly/JHCancerSurvivorshipWebinars
If you are interested in hosting a “viewing party” for the webinar and having a Komen Maryland volunteer facilitate a discussion about breast health before or after the webinar please contact Ingrid Brower at ibrower@komenmd.org.