The concept of Lead Share is simple yet effective. Generating sales leads is the key to business growth and success. Participating in a Lead Share group expands your sales team as you receive “warm referrals” to individuals and companies with whom you want to do business.
Participants build rapport and strong working relationships that support each other’s business initiatives through the sharing of referrals, customers, and suppliers.
Participation in Lead Share:
- grows your bottom line
- increases your professional network
- sharpens your sales presentation skills
- increases the centers of influence supporting your operations
- is industry-exclusive, so there is no direct competition within the group
Here is the best part – there is NO COST to you! Participation is included in your annual SACC membership.
Know a business associate that could use some referrals? Bring a contact name or a guest and show them what Lead Share can do to help their business grow.
Lead Share Meeting Dates
Group 1 – Tuesdays
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
for more info, contact Paula Nichols at nichols.motifexpressions@gmail.com
Group 2 – Wednesdays
12:00 – 1:00 PM
for more info, contact Cat Curran at catc@gsbmediallc.com
Group 3 – First & Third Thursday
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
for more info, contact Colleen Nichols at sixnixenterprises@gmail.com
Group 4 – Each Thursday
8:30 – 9:30 AM
for more info, contact Allen Payne at allenpayne@directmortgageloans.com