Habitat for Humanity Choptank, subrecipient of the City of Cambridge Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), is soliciting sealed and competitive bids from qualified contractors for the demolition of four (4) properties: 600 and 602 (Douglas Street) and 811 and 813 (Park Lane).
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Cambridge until 3 PM ET on Monday, May 17 from qualified contractors. All bids duly received will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Department of Public Works, 1025 Washington Street, Cambridge, MD. Bids will not be accepted after the above date and time.
The work will be demolition and clearing of structures, including foundations; marking underground utilities; preserving sanitary sewer connection; and stubbing cleanout connection to sewer above grade. Bid documents are online at: http://www.choosecambridge.com/Bids.aspx, www.habitatchoptank.org, or in person at the Department of Public Works. Bid proposals should be delivered to:
Physical Address:
City of Cambridge
Attn: Jeannie Bellina
Department of Public Works
1025 Washington Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure timely delivery of their bid. Minority and women-owned businesses are encouraged to apply.
Upon receiving the “NOTICE OF AWARD”, the successful bidder has ten (10) business days to submit all required insurance certificates, permits, and licenses. Evidence of Workers Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance must be furnished, along with Form W-9. Contractor will apply for demolition permit.
The successful contractor shall comply with all instructions and perform services in a manner commensurate with the highest professional standards by qualified and experienced personnel. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a written contract agreement for services.
This project is being funded in whole or in part by the Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) CDBG Program. All federal CDBG requirements will apply to the contract. Davis Bacon Wages do not apply.
Bidders can be disqualified, even if they provide the lowest bid, if there is a history of non-performance, poor performance, litigation and/or arbitration relating to a previous contract with Habitat for Humanity Choptank or the City of Cambridge.
The right is reserved for the City of Cambridge or Habitat Choptank to reject any or all bids; to waive any informality or irregularity not affected by law; to evaluate, in its absolute discretion, the bids submitted; and to award contract according to the bid which best serves the interests of the City of Cambridge and Habitat Choptank.
More information and related documents can be viewed at http://www.choosecambridge.com/Bids.aspx.