The COVID-19 crisis is forcing businesses to confront a host of difficult questions as they navigate this uncertain era. Many of the legal implications are specific to the industry and regulatory environment in which they operate. In this webinar, James L. Otway will speak generally on issues related to COVID-19 business insurance claims.
On Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 2 PM, Hearne & Bailey, PA, and Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce will present a COVID 19 and Business Insurance Claims Webinar.
Topics for discussion will include:
– whether and under what circumstances a business, property or casualty insurance policy will provide coverage for “business interruption” losses caused by the Covid-19 virus and related governments orders
– different theories of recovery being advanced by policyholders and the defenses asserted by insurers
– how this rapidly evolving area is currently playing out in the courts in Maryland and other states
Otway is a Fellow of The American College of Trial Lawyers and practices civil law in Salisbury, Maryland with the law firm of Hearne & Bailey, PA.
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