SALISBURY, MD – H.O.P.E is pleased to announce that they will resume normal operations on Tuesday, June 1st. Going forward, the office, located in the basement of Wicomico Presbyterian Church, will be open to meet with clients on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., providing needed counseling and services. As in the past, a complimentary lunch will be available for all clients. In addition, on June 1st, free Covid vaccinations will be provided for anyone who wants one.
Businesses, clubs, religious and other organizations, as well as individuals, who would like to provide or sponsor a lunch for approximately 35 people are encouraged to contact H.O.P.E. at 410-677-0757 or email hope@hopesby.com .
HOPE, Inc. assists those in need obtain healthcare, social, and basic living services. This is accomplished through outreach to the homeless, assessments of needs and eligibility, guidance and education, assistance with obtaining documents, facilitating access to medication and treatment, referrals for other necessary services, and other support to end the cycle of homelessness and poverty. For more information visit https://helpandoutreach.com.
If you know of someone in need who would benefit from H.O.P.E.’s services, please direct them to visit during office hours or call the number listed above.
Your support is greatly appreciated!