Critical Things You Need Before Re-Opening – Advice from Inc.’s National Small Business Town Hall
Changing your business model may be the last thing you want to do right now, but it could be what keeps you in business. Check out expert advice on four other critical things you need to do before you re-open.
Contracting Opportunity – The New Procurement Operations Resource Technology system – or PORT – is a secure, web-based eProcurement system for Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The system streamlines procurement processes as well as offers new features and expanded services, including:
- Business opportunities posted to a consolidated bid board where you can view and respond
- Automatic email notification of business opportunities
- Ability to electronically submit bids or proposals
- Enhanced self-service vendor registration in a “one-stop shop”
- Ability to upload documents such as W9, SDAT, COI, etc.
Visit: https://www.aacounty.org/departments/central-services/purchasing/P.O.R.T./
Looking for team building and spirit lifting ideas? One of the best things you can do right now is to better yourself, personally and professionally. Take advantage of the resources available to you. We have several, many free, that you can access here. From Jon Gordon, author and motivational speaker.
Article: Three Steps to Coming Back Stronger After a Crisis https://www.bot.org/three-steps-to-coming-back-stronger-after-a-crisis/
Article: How Maryland businesses are rethinking ways to serve customers during COVID-19. Click here for article.