SALISBURY, MD – The public is invited to witness and share in a joyous home blessing ceremony for the 67th home built by Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County. It will be held on Saturday, October 26 at 11 A.M. at 707 Church Street, Salisbury, MD. Christophe and Marte Joseph purchased their new home recently and participated in the construction of the home. The public is invited to share in this joyous event.
The Joseph family requested to be a partner family and the Board of Directors approved the request and fundraising began. The original lot contained an uninhabitable dwelling which was razed to make room for the new construction, which began in 2018. The Joseph family purchased the home on August 29, 2019, and are repaying Habitat for Humanity with a 30-year, no-interest mortgage. We extend our sincere appreciation to all of our hard working volunteers who helped with the reconstruction. Habitat is also grateful to its donors, especially the City of Salisbury’s CDBG grant program and Christ United Methodist Church for their commitment to this project.
About Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County
As a Christian housing ministry, Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people of all faiths to make home ownership of decent, affordable homes a matter of conscience and action. Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County was founded in 1987; since then the affiliate has built 68 homes locally. Through volunteer labor and tax-deductible donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent homes with the help of the homeowner (partner) families. Habitat homes are sold to partner families at no profit, financed with affordable, no-interest loans. The homeowners’ monthly mortgage payments come back to the affiliate to help build more homes for more families.
For more information about Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County, please call Molly Hilligoss, Executive Director at 410-546-1551 or go to www.wicomicohabitat.org.