Innovative-Caregiver Ambassador Navigator (I-CAN) volunteer training will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the following locations:
- Westover Senior Center, Wednesdays, April 13 and 27;
- Eastern Shore Hospital Center, Cambridge, Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16;
- Ocean Pines Branch of the Worcester County Library, Friday and Saturday, April 22 and 23;
- Salisbury Fire Station 16, Cypress Street, Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30.
The training is free and will be offered by the Caregiver Resource Center at MAC Incorporated, the Area Agency on Aging. A light snack and lunch will be provided each day.
Volunteers are trained to offer community presentations with a ready-made kit of materials, to listen to and refer caregivers to resources, and to teach them how to access health and social service systems on their own.
For more information and to register for the training, call 651-470-2017 or email rfredericksen@comcast.net.