SNOW HILL, MD – Last Tuesday, September 15th, The Lower Shore Land Trust (LSLT) received Proclamations from both Worcester and Wicomico Counties in honor of World Rivers Day. The Counties acknowledged the global event occurring on September 27th as an opportunity to raise awareness for our local waterways and encourage stewardship of these vital resources. “It’s with great leadership from the Counties that these Proclamations are presented”, said recipient and LSLT staff person pictured below, Victoria Spice.
In celebration of World Rivers Day and the Lower Shore Land Trust’s 30th Anniversary, the organization created River Rally – a month long challenge for families and outdoor enthusiasts to paddle, bike, walk or hike 30 miles by September 27th. While logging miles, rally-ers are encouraged to pick up trash along the way and practice “leave no trace” principles.
Rivers around the World face an array of threats, and the Wicomico, Nanticoke, Pocomoke, Manokin and St. Martins Rivers as well as many of our creeks and bays and beyond are not immune. The founder of World River’s Day, Mark Angelo, said it best, “Rivers are the arteries of our planet; they are lifelines in the truest sense.”
It’s not too later to register for the River Rally event and raise awareness for World Rivers Day! Visit www.lowershorelandtrust.org to participate as an individual or family and to find out more information about Lower Shore Land Trust. Registration includes a tee-shirt and access to an interactive online map that highlights the hiking and paddling trails throughout Delmarva. Sponsors of the event include Holiday Johnson, Bluewater Development, Bank of Ocean City, Ayers Creek Adventures, Worcester County – Maryland’s Coast, Naturally Cool, Burley Oak Brewery, Somerset County’s Original Trail Mix,West O Bottle Shop, and The Land Group. Thank you to these sponsors and to the individuals and families who “rally” around our natural resources.