Inspiration Health Services Celebrates with a Ribbon Cutting their 5th Anniversary and New Location in Fruitland

Ribbon Cutting for a business in Salisbury

The SACC and its members were delighted to join Inspiration Health Services, LLC (IHS)in a ribbon cutting this after celebrating their 5th year anniversary and their new headquarters located at 103 E. Main St. in Fruitland, MD.

SACC members, providers, friends and family members joined owner Paul Klaverweiden and his staff to celebrate this milestone event.  Paul shared with the guests that “In August of 2018 I decided that I wanted to do something different in mental health, and I took the motto that we would meet people where they are and then walk the journey with them to wellness.   I had just a couple of hundred patients when we started, and now we have 3600 patients who come through our doors (about 100 per day) and we walk with them where they need to go; whether the journey is mental health, addiction, or trauma.  My family grew up with a mom who had bipolar disorder. We watched her suffer and saw how the disorder took away a little of her day by day and her health kept declining. At the young age of 68 she passed away fighting the fight with mental health.  Now that we have this permanent location, and we own the building, we are celebrating with a ribbon cutting our 5th anniversary and today we dedicate this building in honor of my mother Joyce and her fight with mental health.  Her image will sit on the entrance wall, so that every day as we, the staff, enter the building we are reminded that we are taking the hands the of family and we are walking them to be a better person.”

​Medication has its role in the treatment of mental illness and substance abuse. However, it is only one tool. Some individuals will need this tool for a lifetime; however, others may only need the tool for a short period of time. At Inspirational Health Services they will work with each of patient to plan out a course of treatment that is comfortable for them and meets their individual needs.

For more information contact IHS at or call 410-831-3899.