Join the Chamber Energy Purchasing Cooperative


The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce has partnered with energy management experts, CQI Associates, to administer and manage the Chamber Energy Purchasing Cooperative since 2004. The increased purchasing power of the Chamber Purchasing Cooperative has allowed members to receive lower rates than they could typically attain on their own.

The Clean Energy Jobs-Renewable Portfolio Standard Bill implemented by the Maryland Legislature on May 23, 2019 could result in increased electricity rates by 14% to 18%.  The Bill contains an option to avoid this increase if a contract is signed prior to October 1, 2019. Therefore, seeking a long-term contract extension (or a new contract) now could help you avoid a potential cost increase.

On average, since 2004, the Cooperative electricity rates have been lower than both market rates and the weighted annual utility standard offer service rate by $0.008 to $0.016 per kWh.  The natural gas rates have also been lower on average than market rates and utility monthly winter peak indexed rates by $0.11 to $0.26 per therm.

If your current rate is higher than $0.072 per kWh or $0.50 per therm, you may want to consider joining the cooperative and participating in this next round of competitive supplier pricing.  The current campaign begins June 24, 2019 for both new participants and renewal members who have contract renewal dates through to June 2021.


  1. Complete and sign the attached Letter of Authorization
  2. Provide one copy of your most recent Utility bill(s), all pages, for all electricity and or natural gas accounts you are enrolling
  3. Scan and email copies of the above documents to Jennie Anderson at or fax to 410-630-5911

  1. Send the original documents to the Chamber

If you have any questions or require additional details, please contact Joe Tabeling with CQI Associates at or 443-472-3870.

To learn more about the purchasing cooperative, market rate projections, Clean Energy Jobs Bill, Renewable Portfolio Standards Regulations, and recent changes in law, you can attend one of the following Information Webinars: 

July 9, 2019 – 1:00 pm

July 17, 2019 – 11:00 am

July 23, 2019 – 1:00 pm

To participate, select date above (Ctrl + Click) and continue to registration page.