Join the Fight Against Addiction: RRC’s Revive Recovery 2024 Breakfast Fundraiser Unites Community for a Worthy Cause

Flyer for an annual breakfast

Annual Revive Recovery Breakfast 

September 20, 2024 — The Recovery Resource Center (RRC) announces its Revive Recovery 2024  Breakfast Fundraiser, set to take place on Thursday, October 3, 2024, at Dove Pointe from 7:30 am to  9:30 am. This event aims to gather individuals and organizations united in their stand against addiction.  It offers an opportunity to raise funds to continue RRC’s mission of aiding those struggling with  addiction. 

The RRC, a trusted resource in the community, has continuously offered support and assistance to  individuals battling addictions. The Revive Recovery 2024 Breakfast Fundraiser is a crucial event in their  calendar, allowing them to generate the necessary funds to maintain and expand their programs. The breakfast event will offer attendees not just a chance to contribute to the cause, but also an  opportunity to learn more about the work of the RRC. It will highlight the efforts and strides made in the  field of addiction recovery, give insights into the lives that have been positively impacted by RRC’s  mission, and outline future objectives. 

RRC invites all interested parties to secure their place at the Revive Recovery 2024 Breakfast Fundraiser.  Individual tickets are now available for purchase. Also, the option for sponsorships is open. Businesses  and individuals who would like to sponsor the event can choose from various sponsorship packages.  These sponsorships will not only help fund the event but will also contribute significantly to RRC’s  ongoing efforts. 

The funds raised from the event will directly support RRC’s services. These services include support  groups, education, and outreach initiatives aimed at empowering individuals to overcome addiction and  maintain recovery. 

In the fight against addiction, every contribution makes a significant difference. By purchasing a ticket or  sponsoring the fundraiser, you become a part of a community that supports recovery and stands against  addiction. Your support will help RRC continue to offer these much-needed resources to individuals and  families affected by addiction.

As the Revive Recovery 2024 Breakfast Fundraiser approaches, the RRC encourages everyone to support  this worthy cause. Your support, whether it be through attendance, sponsorships, or spreading the word,  can make a lasting impact in the lives of those struggling with addiction. 

For more information about the Revive Recovery 2024 Breakfast Fundraiser or to purchase tickets or  become a sponsor, please visit Together, let’s stand strong in the fight against addiction. Key Takeaways 

  • The Recovery Resource Center (RRC) is hosting its Revive Recovery 2024 Breakfast Fundraiser on  Thursday, October 3, 2024, at Dove Pointe, to generate funds for their mission of aiding those  struggling with addiction. 
  • The fundraiser will not only raise funds but also educate attendees about RRC’s efforts in the field  of addiction recovery, the lives positively impacted, and future objectives. 
  • RRC is offering various sponsorship packages and tickets for the fundraiser, with all proceeds  going directly towards RRC’s services like counseling, support groups, education, and outreach  initiatives for individuals and families affected by addiction. 

Sponsorships and Tickets Available HERE 

Sponsorship and Individual Tickets 

Reserve your sponsorship level or individual tickets 


Contact: Lisa Campbell