The Wicomico County Board of Education, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Donna C. Hanlin and Assistant Superintendent/Chief Academic Officer Frederick Briggs will host an Awards & Recognitions Night for outstanding students and staff at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 in the James M. Bennett Auditorium in Salisbury. Honorees have received invitations to the awards night. The public is welcome to attend.
Recognitions on the program for the Feb. 27 awards night, in program order, are:
Cyber Safety Poster Contest
FIRST LEGO League Tournament Winners
Recertification for National Board Certified Teachers
Maryland Council on Economic Education Stock Market Game
2017-2018 Kids Helping Kids Campaign
2018 Shorebirds Hit the Books Bookmark Design Contest
AMC 8 Math Competition
International Ocean Discovery Program School of Rock
2018 National Science Teacher Association Maitland P. Simmons Award for New Teachers
Salisbury Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest
MSEA Community Involvement Award
Maryland Gifted and Talented Education Awards
Optimist International Essay Contest
Girl Scout Gold Award
MAEA District Recognition for New Middle School Teacher
2018 All State Music Ensembles
West Virginia University Honors Band
Friday, March 2
Casual Day for Read Across America Day
All Wicomico County Public Schools, Offices
Employees of Wicomico County Public Schools can participate in a casual day Friday, March 2 to support Read Across America Day. The National Education Association’s Read Across America is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for every child in every community to celebrate reading on March 2, the birthday of beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss. Read Across America also provides NEA members, parents, caregivers, and children the resources and activities they need to keep reading 365 days a year. Many Wicomico schools engage students in special activities on Read Across America Day March 2. Casual Day donations will go to school media centers for materials.
Saturday, March 3
6th annual Maryland Eastern Shore Spelling Bee
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne
A spelling champion from each Wicomico County Public School with students in grades 4-8 will compete with other Lower Shore spellers in the 6th annual Maryland Eastern Shore Spelling Bee Saturday, March 3 at 10 a.m. at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne. (Schools will conduct classroom and school bees to name a champion and an alternate by Feb. 19.) The Maryland Eastern Shore Spelling Bee will take place in the Ella Fitzgerald Center for the Performing Arts, and is open to the public. Classmates, teachers and other supporters are invited to attend. In the event of bad weather, please check a special new website: www.umes.edu/bee or monitor UMES News Facebook for any last-minute changes or announcements.
Saturday, March 3
Destination Imagination Eastern Region Tournament
Salisbury Middle School
Wicomico County Public Schools will participate in the Maryland Eastern Region Destination Imagination Tournament on Sat., Mar. 3 at Salisbury Middle School. The Eastern Region includes 68 teams from eight Eastern Shore counties, including 31 teams from Wicomico Schools. Teams compete at the Regional Tournament to earn the right to advance to the Maryland State Tournament at University of Maryland Baltimore County on April 7. Qualifying teams at the state level earn the right to advance to represent the state of Maryland at Global Finals in May at the University of Tennessee.
Wicomico County Public Schools participating in DI this year are Fruitland Intermediate, North Salisbury Elementary, Pemberton Elementary, Westside Intermediate, Salisbury Middle, Bennett Middle, Pittsville Elementary and Middle, Parkside High and Wicomico High. DI school facilitators in each school are coordinating the DI program at their schools and helping to guide teams and their parent team managers. The public is welcome to attend and see these great teams in action as they present their Central Challenge solutions.
Destination Imagination (DI) is a student-centered, technology-friendly, international organization for kindergarten through college students. It teaches life skills and expands imaginations through team-based creative problem solving. Destination Imagination emphasizes STEM / STEAM skills, creativity, teamwork, and problem solving.
The DI Program has two team components. The first component is the Instant Challenge. These challenges spark and quickly capture the team members’ imaginations as they attempt to solve a challenge on the spot. Students learn creativity skills, divergent and convergent thinking skills, risk taking, time awareness, cooperation, and how to have fun with their team members along the way.
The second component is the Central Challenge. Teams use art, technology, performance, and real world relevance as they tackle one of six different challenges each year. The team solution takes months to complete. Each challenge contains scoring elements that will be carefully judged by trained appraisers.
Monday, March 5
Mid-term progress reports distributed
Wednesday, March 7
SAT School Day Administered for 11th Graders; Delayed Arrival for Other High School Students
All Wicomico County High Schools
The Wicomico County Public School System is pleased once again to offer juniors the SAT School Day at no cost in all Wicomico County high schools on Wednesday, March 7. All 11th grade students will automatically be registered and will have the opportunity to test for free during school hours March 7 at each of our high schools.
High school students who are not taking the SAT on March 7 will have late arrival that day, with no JROTC, AM CTE, ATEX or VPA. There will be a second bus run for high school students, with most of these buses arriving between 11:05-11:15 a.m. at high schools. Please check with the school bus driver or contractor for the student’s pickup time on this second run. If a student reports to school at the incorrect time, the school administration will be responsible for the student.
The school system is committed to administering the SAT to all 11th graders as a measure of the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act of 2013. WCPS expects all 11th grade students to take the test. Offering the test during school hours allows students to participate without changing their routines or missing commitments such as work or extracurricular activities. Major benefits of the SAT School Day administration include improving access and convenience, increasing overall student participation, creating a college-going-culture, and minimizing test-day stress because students are in a familiar location with familiar staff.
The SAT is a curriculum-based, high-stakes test that will provide an important measure of academic achievement as students prepare for post-secondary college and career opportunities. Participation in the SAT also gives students valuable skills feedback, connects them with scholarship opportunities, and helps them select the best fit for college. SAT diagnostic information will enable educators to identify and compare college and career readiness of the students, schools, and districts using an objective scale and benchmark. The SAT is also used by colleges and universities as part of their undergraduate admission process.
Juniors will be automatically registered for the SAT School Day by their high school. No action is required from parents. School Assessment Facilitators at each high school will have 11th graders fill in necessary demographic information the week prior to the assessment in English classes. Students with disabilities who have been approved for accommodations by College Board will receive the approved accommodations. All 11th graders who are eligible for Free and Reduced Meals (FARM) will be reported to College Board as such for the SAT School Day. These students will be able to take the SAT two more times for free, will receive four additional free score sends, and may apply to four colleges for free.
All students will need their College Board account login information to check scores and send scores to colleges. Students should log into their College Board accounts now, link with Khan Academy, and begin to prepare for the assessment.
Students and parents who have questions about the SAT School Day should contact their school’s School Assessment Facilitator.
Friday, March 9
Deadline for Students to Register for April 14 ACT
Registration is done online; check with school guidance office for more information
Saturday, March 10
Teacher Recruitment Fair
At James M. Bennett High
We are hiring teachers for Wicomico County Public Schools! Our Teacher Recruitment Fair will take place from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 10 at James M. Bennett High School in Salisbury. Come to Wicomico Schools to make a difference in children’s lives! We offer competitive starting salaries and excellent new teacher support.
Come to the Teacher Recruitment Fair to see the many opportunities to teach in Wicomico County. Wicomico County Public Schools has 26 schools and learning centers serving more than 15,000 students each day. We’re looking for teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of children, foster growth in each of our students, and help them become empowered to be the best they can be. Many job offers will be made on the spot! Our highest needs are in the areas of Mathematics, Science, World Languages and Special Education, yet we anticipate openings in all content areas for the 2018-2019 school year. Call us at 410-677-5250 or email padkins@wcboe.org to reserve your spot. Watch now to see why Wicomico County Public Schools is a great place to work: https://youtu.be/EH83pgfjGyA.
Saturday, March 10
2018 Lower Shore Transition and Advocacy Conference
Wor-Wic Community College
The 2018 Lower Shore Transition and Advocacy Conference is coming our way. This free event for students with disabilities and their families is designed to provide the knowledge and linkages to ensure a successful postsecondary transition. The combination of local service providers, food, local and state agency representatives, door prizes, transition students and some of their employers will guarantee a fun day of learning what is coming after high school and how to prepare for it.
This tri-county event will be held from 8:45 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, March 10 in the Fulton Owen Hall of Wor-Wic Community College. Lunch will be provided, so sign up online (stayontrack2018.eventbrite.com) by March 1 so we’ll know how much food to prepare. Later online registrations and walk on registrations the day of the event will be welcomed, but won’t be guaranteed lunch.
Saturday, March 10
Bookfair for Fruitland Schools
Barnes & Noble, Salisbury
The Fruitland Schools Barnes & Noble Bookfair will be held on Saturday, March 10 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Barnes & Noble store located on North Salisbury Boulevard. A fun-filled day of hands-on STEAM activities are planned as well as student and classroom performances. In addition, there will be face painting from 10 a.m.-noon. Come out and join a free and fun family day with Fruitland Schools! Just remember to present a Bookfair flyer (available through the schools) at checkout for a percentage of all purchases that day to go to the Fruitland Schools Media Centers to purchase new books for our students.
Saturday, March 10
SAT Administration for students who registered online by Feb. 9 deadline
March 10
GEAR UP Active Learning Workshop
Salisbury University
Students will work with SU professors to participate in inquiry and problem-based learning experiences that are creative, hands-on and relevant to real-life problems and solutions. These Active Learning workshops will help GEAR UP students achieve College and Career Readiness in Mathematics and English, as well as engage them in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) learning experiences. Each workshop will focus on different content. Transportation may be available. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Workshops are open only to 10th graders at JMB, PHS and WHS. Contact Jackie Leggett for more information: jleggett@wcboe.org.
Monday, March 19
Free Seminar for Students and Parents: Guiding the College-Bound Athlete
Wicomico High School Auditorium
Attention, student-athletes in Wicomico County Public Schools and their parents: In an effort to educate parents and athletes about athletic scholarships and the college recruiting process, Rick Wire of Dynamite Sports is going to conduct a free 60-minute seminar on “Guiding the College-Bound Athlete” at 7 p.m. Monday, March 19 in the Wicomico High School Auditorium. This seminar is being offered to all Wicomico student-athletes in grades 8 through 12. It’s an opportunity to learn what it takes to be a college athlete mentally, physically, and academically.
This seminar will also help parents be more knowledgeable and realistic about athletic scholarships, and the recruiting process.
Thursday, March 22
Wicomico Teacher of the Year Banquet
The Commons, Salisbury University
The 25 semifinalists in the running for the honor of 2018-2019 Wicomico Teacher of the Year will be celebrated at the Wicomico Teacher of the Year Banquet on Thursday, March 22 at the Commons at Salisbury University. The new Wicomico Teacher of the Year will be announced that night. More than 250 outstanding educators, including past teachers of the year and current nominees for Wicomico Teacher of the Year, will attend. After a gathering time at 6 p.m., the program and dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. The evening will include the announcement of the 2018 Friend of Education, performances by Wicomico students, the farewell address of 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year Christen Tacka, and the announcement of the new Teacher of the Year by about 9 p.m.
Thursday, March 22
Public Hearing on County Executive’s Proposed Operating Budget
Flanders Room, Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
The public hearing on the County Executive’s Proposed Operating Budget is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, March 22 in the Flanders Room of the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. Any taxpayer of Wicomico County, or their representative, is entitled to be heard at the public hearing. This hearing will be held to receive public comment on the proposed Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget of the County, Capital Improvement Budget, Governmental and Enterprise Funds Budgets and the appropriation of all expenditures for the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. 410-548-4801
Thursday, March 29
Now a School Day with 2-Hour Early Dismissal
Wicomico County Public Schools
As part of making up the five missed school days during January’s Winter Storm Grayson, Wicomico Schools will now be open on Thursday, March 29 as a school day with 2-hour early dismissal. Prior to this makeup being scheduled, March 29 had been planned as a day schools would be closed for students for a teacher professional day. Wicomico Schools applied for but did not receive a state waiver from the 180-day school year requirement that would have made it possible to maintain this professional day on the calendar. Teachers will instead have a smaller amount of professional development time after the early dismissal. The other four days will be made up by having a regular school day on Feb. 19 (Presidents’ Day), and by extending the school year to include June 13, 14 and 15.
Friday, March 30 and Monday, April 2
Spring Holiday Break
Wicomico Schools and Central Office Closed
Friday, April 6
End of 3rd marking period, report cards distributed Friday, April 13
Friday, April 6
Deadline for Students to Register for May 5 SAT
Registration is done online; check with school guidance office for more information
Friday, April 13
Reports cards distributed for 3rd marking period
Saturday, April 14
ACT Administration for students who registered online by March 9 deadline
Saturday, April 21
Prom for Mardela High, with Grand March at the school at 6 p.m. and prom at a location to be determined at 8 p.m. Details to come.
Saturday, April 28
Prom for Parkside High, 8-11 p.m. at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. After Prom at Crown Sports Center, midnight. Details to come.
Wednesday, May 2, at 6:30 p.m.
Board of Education Awards & Recognitions Night
James M. Bennett Auditorium
Thursday, May 3
Deadline for Students to Register for June 2 SAT
Registration is done online; check with school guidance office for more information
Friday, May 4
Deadline for Students to Register for June 9 ACT
Registration is done online; check with school guidance office for more information
Saturday, May 5
SAT Administration for students who registered online by April 6 deadline
Monday, May 9
Mid-term progress reports distributed
Saturday, May 19
Prom for James M. Bennett High, at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center, Grand March 6 p.m. and Prom 8-10 p.m. After Prom from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at Crown Sports Center. Details to come.
Saturday, May 19
Prom for Wicomico High, Grand March in the Wicomico High Auditorium 6:30 p.m., dance 8-11 p.m., location to be determined. Details to come.
Monday, May 28
Memorial Day Observed
Wicomico Schools and Central Office Closed
Thursday, May 31
Spring Commencement for Evening High School, 7 p.m.
Prince Street Elementary
Friday, June 1
Commencement for James M. Bennett High School, 7 p.m.
Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
Saturday, June 2
Commencement Ceremonies, Wicomico Youth & Civic Center
10 a.m., Mardela High
2:30 p.m., Parkside High
7 p.m., Wicomico High
Saturday, June 2
SAT Administration for students who registered online by May 3 deadline
Thursday, June 7, at 6:30 p.m.
Board of Education Awards & Recognitions Night
James M. Bennett Auditorium
Saturday, June 9
ACT Administration for students who registered online by May 4 deadline
June 13, 14, 15
Makeup Days for Wicomico Students and Schools
Wicomico County Public Schools will make up three of the five of the missed school days from the January winter storm by having school on the designated makeup days of June 13, 14 and 15. All three days will be two-hour early dismissal days, and Friday, June 15 will be the last day of the 2017-2018 school year. Please note that June 8, 11 and 12 are now full school days rather than early dismissal days. (Wicomico Schools is seeking a state waiver for the two snow days on which there was a state, county and City of Salisbury state of emergency; more information will be shared once the school system has received a response on the waiver request.)
Friday, June 15
Deadline for Students to Register for July 14 ACT
Registration is done online; check with school guidance office for more information
Friday, June 22
Reports cards mailed for all students
Saturday, July 14
ACT Administration for students who registered online by June 15 deadline