Craft Wine Association recognizes Layton’s commitment to craftsmanship on the cusp of the Winery’s 10th Anniversary
Vienna, MD – March 2, 2020 – The Craft Wine Association (CWA), based in Salem, Ore., has certified Layton’s Chance Vineyard & Winery as the first and only “Certified Craft Winery” in the State of Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic.
Carole Lawson, Executive Director of the CWA announced the accreditation at Layton’s “Leap Year Happy Hour” on Friday, February 28, presenting the winery with a plaque marking the occasion.
“Craft has long been recognized in other beverage categories, and it is really beyond time that wine be offered the same standard,” said Lawson, who founded the CWA and is a certified sommelier. “We see this movement heading east across the US, and we’re thrilled to welcome Layton’s Chance as our first member in Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic.”
At the event – also a kick-off to Maryland Wine Month in March – Jennifer Layton, “Jen’eral” Manager of Layton’s Chance, officially revealed the winery’s new 10th Anniversary logo, debuted its newest craft wine and announced its schedule of events, including a 10th Birthday Bash on Saturday, May 23.
“We’re excited to be recognized for our approach to growing and sourcing grapes and producing wine. Craft wine is and has always been the basis of our existence,” said Layton. “Our vineyard and winery are a labor of love and being certified ‘craft’ ties our approach all together under one proud banner.”
Layton, with her husband William and in-laws Joe and Laura Layton, founded the winery in 2010. It produces more than 20 wines – an array of reds, whites, blushes and sparkling – all of which are bottled and canned in Maryland. Layton’s Chance is also a Certified Good Land Steward, in partnership with the Maryland Department of Agriculture.
Sen. Addie Eckardt, R-37 Mid-Shore and Del. Johnny Mautz, R-37B provided proclamations from the State Senate and State Legislature.
Eckhart said, “During its first decade, Layton’s Chance has shown itself to be a leader – in agriculture, environmental stewardship and of course in winemaking. It comes as no surprise to us that their approach to winemaking has raised the bar and we are thrilled to recognize them as the first and only craft winery in Maryland, especially as we enter Maryland Wine Month this March.”
Craft Winery Certification Requirements
To be a Certified Craft Winery, the Layton family had to demonstrate that their wines are commercially available in limited production, and that:
- The development of every wine is led by a winemaker who is a partner and decisionmaker throughout the process. (William Layton)
- The fruit used to produce each wine comes from traceable sources, both grown on-site and acquired.
- Every wine produced by the winery is in 5,000-or-fewer case lots.
Lawson noted, “The rise in popularity of craft wines reflects changing tastes, inspired by creativity and sourcing high-quality, local fruit. Consumers want to know the hands that made the wine and the stories behind the craft.”
Layton’s Chance is a family owned and operated, 14-acre, third generation-owned Eastern Shore farm. It features a Tasting Room that is open daily, weekend tours, walking trails, concerts and special events, and play and picnic areas.
“Being certified by CWA was an early birthday gift,” added Layton. “It’s given us even greater momentum as we roll out the fun for the rest of the year.”
For more information about Layton’s Chance Vineyard and Winery, visit www.LaytonsChance.com or call 410-228-1205.
Craft Wine Association, which was formed in 2016, connects member wineries to research, communities, events, marketing opportunities, and strategic partners. Using CWA’s strategic partnerships, member wineries can take advantage of competitive pricing on products and supplies, using the economies of scale that larger corporate wineries enjoy. For more information visit www.craftwineassoc.org.