Salisbury, MD – February is American Heart Month, a time for all of us to show our hearts some love.
Being physically active, eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, managing stress, knowing and controlling your blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels are great ways to take care of your heart health.
Each year, an estimated 350,000 people have an assessed out of hospital cardiac arrest, with over 70% of these cardiac arrests happening at home. When someone is experiencing cardiac arrest, immediately receiving CPR from someone close by can increase the chance of survival.
TidalHealth, Atlantic General Hospital, Salisbury Fire Department, Pocomoke Fire Department, Salisbury University and Worcester Health Department are partnering this February to help residents learn hands-only CPR.
No-Cost CPR training will be provided by Dr. Zachary Townsend, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Salisbury University. These sessions will help residents learn how to correctly perform hands-only CPR and participants will also receive additional heart health education materials. Trainings are scheduled as follows:
Thursday, February 13, 2025, from 6-7 pm at the Salisbury Fire station HQ (station #16), 325 Cypress Street, Salisbury. Hands Only CPR Salisbury Fire Department.
Thursday, February 27, 2025, from 6-7pm at the Pocomoke Fire Department,1410 Market St, Pocomoke City, MD 21851. Hands Only CPR Pocomoke Fire Department.
This is education focused on how the life-saving act is performed and not a certification or recertification course for CPR.
For more information about the No-Cost CPR training or for help registering for a training, please call the Worcester County Health Department at 410-632-1100 extension 1108.