SALISBURY, MD – The Fulton Public Humanities Program at Salisbury University continues its spring lecture series with “Race and History in the Early Medieval and Modern Italy” 5 p.m. Thursday, March 31, in a virtual format.
Dr. Nicole Lopez-Jantzen, associate professor of history at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, examines the changing constructions of race during the later Roman Empire and the Middle Ages, as well as the use of the concept of Romanitas (“Roman-ness,’” or romanità in Italian) in modern Italian scholarship and politics. Through this, she explores how shifts in its conceptualization suggest the desire to create a white Italian identity tied to Europe and the effects on those excluded.
The event is free and the public is invited. To register, visit SU’s online ticketing office at www.salisbury.universitytickets.com.
Those planning to park on campus must register in advance for a free parking pass at http://webapps.salisbury.edu/parking/visitor.
For more information email Dr. Belen Vicens Saiz at bxvicenssaiz@salisbury.edu or visit the SU website at www.salisbury.edu.