PAC 14, Inc., is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and the Public Access Channel of Wicomico County and City of Salisbury, founded in 1999. PAC 14 gives access to the community for development of their own TV shows, where their voices can be heard, and amplified. PAC 14’s goal and mission is to be a reliable source for residents, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and government agencies to share information through a free public cable T.V. station.
PAC 14 board of directors consists of members who represent the community including local producers, representatives of local academia, government officials, and community leaders.
We are looking for Board Members with excellent communication skills, strong strategic thinking, long term visionary, qualified degrees or experience in fields relating to non-profits, accounting, law, community relations (preferred but not necessary).
Responsibilities include:
- Attending bi-monthly board meetings & occasionally events
- Participate and contribute in ideas, debates, budgets, financial reports, future plans
- Professional attitude, reputation and record of integrity, sound judgment and respect for community, established ethical standards with sincere commitment
- Become familiarized with By-laws
To Apply for a position as a member on the PAC 14 Inc., Board of Directors please submit resume and cover letter by email to Jen Myers at: Jxmyers@salisbury.edu or visit PAC14.org
We look forward to welcoming you to the PAC 14 Board of Directors