By understanding conflict and human nature in a radically different way, breakthrough changes in difficult relationships can happen far more easily than we’d normally expect. In this workshop, you will learn
- How to stop sending implied messages that contribute to relationship conflict;
- How to see and understand the authentic self of others; and
- How to proactively generate positive changes in a relationship without the other person changing first.
Through lecture and group discussion in a warm, friendly atmosphere, you will learn tools that can have lasting effects on your life and on the quality of your relationships, whether you are looking to heal a conflicted relationship or simply deepening intimacy in relationships that are already whole.
“Intimacy is not purely physical. It’s the act of connecting with someone so deeply, you feel like you can see into their soul”
“The work we accomplished has given me permission to soften and get back to love. After participating in the course, I am forever changed.”
C.G. Easton, MD
“The seminar has done wonders in my life. The changes have been phenomenal. It was amazing.” D.M., Easton, MD
“Thank you for offering this wonderful class on communication. I have seen a big change in my relationship with my daughter. This is really going to change the way I interact with the people in my life and I can already see the results.” S.K., Easton, MD
David Mercier, M.S., L.Ac. has been a life coach, seminar leader, and acupuncturists for 33 years. He studied mindfulness meditation as a Buddhist monk in Sri Lanka from 1975 to 1977. and is the author of the award-winning A Beautiful Medicine, the textbook for a course he teaches at Johns Hopkins University.
Kelly Dorfman, M.S., LND is one of the world’s foremost experts on therapeutic nutrition and how to access intuition. She lectures internationally and has been featured on numerous television programs and in periodicals including CNN’s American Morning, Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and Oprah magazine. She founded the Intuition Working Group nine years ago to help physicians and therapists practice with wholeheartedness.
Where: The Personal Wellness Center, 106 Milford St. #701, Salisbury, MD
When: Saturday August 6, 2016, 9:00 to 4:30.
Investment: $135 early bird until July 27, or $145 thereafter.
To register: Call 410.742.6016, or email zlati@thepersonalwellnesscenter.com
Bring: pen and paper.