Lower Shore Black Professionals continue “Unveiling our Local Treasures” in May 2024

Group of people at a convention center

The Lower Shore Black Professionals Alliance (LSBPA), co-founded with the Greater Salisbury Committee, continued their “Unveiling our Local Treasures” series with two informative events in May 2024 exposing community members with valuable local resources. LSBPA’s members bring experience with relevant organizations, making them strong collaborators for future projects.

May Spotlight on Local Resources:

  • May 16th: The NASA Wallops Experience included a tour of the facility (Sounding Rockets Building, Balloon Office Building, Range Control Center Building, the launch pads on Wallops Island) and an education presentation of the many student and trade opportunities accompanied by a conversation with NASA Wallops Director David Pierce.
  • May 21st:  The Learning session about Guerrieri Technology Center at Wor-Wic Community College included a tour of the facility exposing the team to the different programs in the building including the makerspace, electromechanical and auto-repair; attendees also experienced the technical capabilities with the simulations in the Welding and CDL department. The tour concluded with a dialogue with Dr. Deb Casey, President of Wor-Wic Community College about the Center, the College and the future. 

These visit are a continuation of the October 2023 sessions:

  • A visit to the Dave and Patsy Rommel Entrepreneurship Center at Salisbury University
  • Group simulation at the Perdue Henson Junior Achievement Finance Park the week prior to the grand opening
  • An overview and simulation related to the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) by United Way of Lower Eastern Shore, a key partner in LSBPA’s formation 

LSBPA is grateful for the opportunity to “Unveiling our Local Treasures”a nd the discussions exploring potential partnerships and ways to leverage expertise for future endeavors.. A LSBPA member remarked, “Those visits were awesome and we learned so much! Thanks for making it happen.”

For more information about the Lower Shore Black Professionals Alliance, visit their website at www.lsbpa.org.

Men and women gathered around a machine