Over the month of September, Lower Shore Land Trust encouraged locals to take part in their Virtual River Rally event which was to simultaneously celebrate the Shore’s local rivers and to also celebrate the organization’s 30 years of supporting local farms, protecting special habitat, and helping people become immersed in nature. Unlike past River Rally celebrations, this year participants were challenged to walk, hike, bike, or paddle 30 miles in celebration of the land trust’s 30 years of operation.
“We had shifted the event to coincide with World Rivers Day after our event last year. We decided under the current circumstances that we would try a virtual event and run it throughout the month to culminate with the actual World Rivers Day, held on the 4th Sunday of September”, said Director Kate Patton.
World Rivers Day is celebrated by millions of people in more than 70 countries around the world. The event highlights the many values of local rivers, while increasing public awareness and encouraging improved stewardship of local waterways.
“We are excited about the results and the engagement from individuals and families. We had more than 60 participants who logged more than 2,500 miles across the Lower Eastern Shore,” said Patton.
Lower Shore Land Trust brought World Rivers Day awareness not only through its Virtual River Rally event, but also by having the Wicomico County Council and the Worcester and Somerset County Commissioners proclaim it as well. Lower Shore Land Trust believes that conservation is a key component of healthy local waters, the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Coastal Bays, and that their work ensures a healthy environment and a strong economy for residents and visitors alike.
The Virtual River Rally event would not have been possible without the generous support from Holiday Johnson, Blue Water Development Corp, Ayers Creek Adventures, Somerset County’s Original Trail Mix, the West O Bottle Shop, Worcester County Tourism, Burley Oak, Bank of Ocean City, Rise Up Coffee Roasters, and the Harrison Group.
For more information, on this event or future events, please contact Josh Hastings at 443-234-5587 or jhastings@lowershorelandtrust.org.