The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce August General Membership Luncheon will feature Lt. Governor Boyd K. Rutherford.
Boyd Rutherford is the ninth lieutenant governor of the State of Maryland. He was elected to office with Governor Larry Hogan in 2014, and re-elected in 2018. He is the first Republican lieutenant governor to ever be re-elected in Maryland.
As lieutenant governor, Rutherford has been a strong partner with Governor Hogan, leading the administration’s efforts to combat the opioid epidemic, reform burdensome regulations on job creators, and break the cycle of poverty between family generations. He has also led the state’s efforts to modernize procurement practices, improve the mental health delivery system, and make Maryland a national leader in the implementation of the federal Opportunity Zones program.
Join us as the Lt. Governor provides updates on:
- Maryland’s economic development efforts
- initiatives to assist Maryland’s small businesses
- upcoming legislative priorities
- what lies ahead as we enter the fall election season
Seating is limited and registration is required.
Members – $30 | Non Members- $40 | Reserved Table of 8 – $300
For more information visit www.salisburyarea.com or contact Cindy Morgan Chambers at 410-749-0144 x102 or email amorgan@salisburyarea.com.