The Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) Office of Network Advancement has announced awards for the 2021 No Wrong Door Community Infrastructure Grants: Scaling Network Lead Entities funding opportunity.
MAC, Inc., Your Area Agency on Aging, was among the recipients, receiving $291,233. A total of nearly $3.5 million was awarded to 12 organizations nationwide.
This funding will support Network Lead Entities (NLEs) – such as the Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence, a division of MAC.
MAC will serve as an NLE in linking clinical and community-based services to improve the lives of Marylanders.
The grant will work to:
- Strengthen pathways for referrals to screen and track older adults and individuals with disabilities for risk of food insecurity, social isolation, and/or benefit from referral to evidence-based self-management and falls programs
- Encourage physicians and hospitals with patients who could benefit from these services to connect with community providers
- Collaborate with service providers to track changes in health status and healthcare cost reduction
- Work to increase data sharing of outcomes across clinical and nonclinical systems
For more information, call MAC at 410-742-0505.