Manage Your Water Workshop!

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Spring showers bring great flowers, but rainfall sends harmful stormwater runoff into our local waterways and ultimately to the Chesapeake Bay. Help do your part by installing a rain barrel, rain gutters and/or rain gardens at your home. At the same time, enjoy the savings on your water bill when you water your flower beds! Join us for a virtual workshop from the comfort of your couch on Saturday, June 20, at 10 a.m. Learn how runoff from your property affects our streams and rivers and learn simple techniques to help reduce runoff.

Rain barrels and other water conservation measures are catching on around the Shore as residents are learning how they can make a big difference in protecting important natural resources. Stone Gate Townhouse Community Association, in partnership with the Lower Shore Land Trust, a nonprofit conservation organization working on the Lower Shore, invite you to participate in an informative program presented by Jen Dindinger, Watershed Restoration Specialist. Jen works for UMD Sea Grant Extension and will share tips on how to install, use, and maintain a rain barrel, as well as general information about stormwater and yard waste management.

This program is funded in part by the Chesapeake Bay Trust with a belief that getting residents involved is key to restoring the Chesapeake Bay. The Chesapeake Bay Trust is a nonprofit grant-making organization dedicated to improving the watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Coastal Bays, and Youghiogheny River. Created in 1985 by the Maryland General Assembly, our goal is to increase stewardship through grant programs, special initiatives, and partnerships that support K-12 environmental education, on-the ground watershed restoration, community engagement, and the underlying science of these three realms. Through our grants, the Trust engages hundreds of thousands of students and volunteers in projects that have a measurable impact on the natural resources of our region. Grantees include schools, local governments, community groups, faith-based groups, watershed organizations, and other not-for-profit entities.

Stone Gate Townhouse Community Association has had water retention issues for several years. Homeowners have long complained of neighborhood nuisance flooding and basement flooding, and the goal of the program is to provide residents with best practices to reduce flooding and the associated negative impacts to local waterways. The program is also open to residents around the Shore.

All are welcome to join the virtual workshop on Saturday, June 20th buy registering by Friday, June 19th at and a link to the Zoom meeting will be sent to registrants to participate. There is no charge to participate. A second virtual workshop on Bay Wise landscaping will be presented on Wednesday, June 24, at 7 pm, by Kate Patton, Executive Director of the Lower Shore Land Trust. For more information or to register for either program, contact