Maryland Added 6,100 Jobs in July, Led by Cybersecurity, Life Sciences, Transportation

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Maryland added 6,100 total jobs in July, including 5,300 in the private sector, according to monthly data released Friday by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. The state’s job growth was broad-based but particularly strong in industries that include cybersecurity, life sciences research and transportation. Total employment in Maryland grew at double the national rate in July (0.2 vs 0.1 percent). For the first seven months of 2024, the state’s job growth rate of 1.2 percent has outpaced the national average (0.9 percent).

Labor force: Maryland’s labor force participation rate continued to climb upward, increasing by 0.1 to 65.5 percent. This is the highest state labor force participation rate since September 2020 and exceeds the national rate of 62.7 percent.

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