Maryland Attorney General Candidate Forum Held at Salisbury University


On Monday, May 2nd, the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, PACE at Salisbury University and the Greater Salisbury Committee hosted a forum for candidates seeking the office of Maryland Attorney General. The candidates included Katie O’Malley, a Baltimore City District Court Judge; Jim Shalleck, the former president of Montgomery County Elections; Anthony Brown, Maryland’s District four Congressional Representative; and Michle Peroutka, former County Council member from Anne Arundel County.

O’Malley believes her 30 years of experience makes her perfect for the position and she wants to use that experience and expertise to lower crime rates. Michael Peroutka commented that the AG’s office should establish two standards to interpret the law, does it meet constitutional limitations of government and is it harmonious with God’s law.

Candidate Shalleck, running for the Republican nomination, wants to reduce crime. With is long career as a prosecutor and years spent working in the District Attorneys office Shalleck says he is the man for the job. Anthony Brown focused on being “ an agent of change” mentioning the need for more laws and policies that address climate change and environmental justice reforms, as well as investments in education for the states K-12 public education and HBCU’s.

Brown went on the say “No laws get passed in Maryland without the input and advice of the Attorney General,” emphasizing the importance of the election. The primary is set for July 19, 2022 and the general election date s November 8, 2022.

The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce, PACE at Salisbury University and the Greater Salisbury Committee also hosted the May 5th MD Congressional District 1 Democratic Candidate Forum and will be hosting a Wicomico County Executive Candidate Forum on Thursday, May 12 beginning at 6:00 PM at Salisbury University Guerrieri Student Union, in the Wicomico Room.

The three candidates, incumbent County Executive John Psota (R), and challengers Julie Giordano (R), and County Council Vice President Ernest Davis (D) will address topics ranging from the County Budget, investment in the Wicomico County Public Schools, public safety, economic development and tourism opportunities, workforce housing, and infrastructure opportunities and challenges moving forward.  As time permits, written questions from the audience will be taken.

The public is invited to attend. No registration is required and free parking is available.