Help Maryland students prepare for a world of opportunity.
Your experiences, advice and expertise are just what teenagers want and need to inform their decisions, ignite their imaginations, and inspire them to pursue and achieve their goals.
Research shows that four interactions in high school with workplace professionals will result in higher earning power once students graduate.
You can provide one or more of those interactions and change life outcomes for dozens or even hundreds of students.
Here are two ways you can make a difference:
- Be a Maryland Scholars Speaker who brings students the message that achievement in school will pay off in college, the workplace, and in life.
- Be a STEM Specialist in the Classroom who engages students in hands-on learning experiences that demonstrate the real-world application of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) content and skills.
With a limited time commitment (equivalent to 2–3 half days), you can influence and inspire 100 young people in your community schools.
You don’t need to be a professional speaker. You just need to be yourself. We will provide you with training and will support you on every school visit. And we promise it will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.
Take these steps:
1. Register to participate www.thestemnet.com.
2. Attend a 3-hour training session.
3. Conduct four classroom presentations/demonstrations a year. You can choose the schools and dates that fit your schedule.
Questions? Contact Nona Carroll at nona@mbrt.org