Volunteers needed for Maryland Scholars Speakers Bureau and STEM Specialists in the Classroom
Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) is seeking volunteers for the Maryland Scholars Speakers Bureau and STEM Specialists in the Classroom, two of its signature programs that are instrumental in supporting Maryland’s Next Generation Scholars initiative, which aims to help enhance college and career awareness and college completion for low-income high school students. MBRT is hosting a free training session for those interested in influencing and inspiring young people in Wicomico County Public Schools.
“We are in search of volunteers from business, industry, higher education, and governmental agencies to engage students in learning experiences that foster academic growth and promote student success,” says Nona Carroll, chief strategy officer. “Your experiences, advice and expertise are just what teenagers want and need to inform their decisions, ignite their imaginations and inspire them to pursue and achieve their goals.”
Maryland Scholars bring students the message that achievement in school will pay off in college, the workplace and in life. STEM Specialists in the Classroom engage students in hands-on learning experiences that demonstrate the real-world application of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) content and skills.
Volunteers are asked to deliver four 50-minute presentations, which is equivalent to 2-3 half days. Speakers can connect with young people in schools that are close to where they live and work, and they are welcome to travel to other parts of the state to reach students beyond their local community. Volunteers choose the dates that work best for their schedules.
No professional speaker experience is required. Volunteers are required to attend one free three-hour training session wherein all necessary preparation is provided. MBRT also provides support for all volunteers each school they visit.
Professionals who are interested in volunteering to become a speaker should register online at www.thestemnet.com. The next training session is 1-4 p.m. on Thursday, January 11, 2018, at Wicomico County Public Library on the Lower Level at 122. S. Division Street in Salisbury, Maryland.
Visit www.mbrt.org to learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education.
About Maryland Business Roundtable
Founded in 1992, the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education (MBRT) is a coalition of leading employers that have made a long-term commitment to support education reform and improve student achievement in Maryland. MBRT is the catalyst for business, government and education to drive high student achievement that ensures a competitive future workforce for a world-class economy. For more information, please visit http://www.mbrt.org/.