Commission Encourages Marylanders to Draw Redistricting Maps/Participate In Virtual Meeting
BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission (Citizens Commission), a balanced commission created by Governor Larry Hogan to draw fair and representative legislative and congressional district maps for the 2022 elections, will continue its second round of virtual meetings next Monday tonight, September 20 at 6:00 p.m. Individuals from all of Maryland are encouraged to join the meeting. This is the final second round meeting and the 12th virtual Commission meeting with public input since June 9.
The meeting will allow Marylanders to present testimony on map submissions or 2020 Census data results and their impact on district boundaries to the Citizens Commission. If you are registering to provide LIVE TESTIMONY regarding one or more maps, you MUST submit your map(s) no later than 24 hours in advance of the meeting. You must also reference the map(s) submission identification number(s), which will be assigned and emailed to the individual who submitted the plan.
All map submissions will be posted to the redistricting.maryland.gov website. Members of the public can comment on any map(s) but must provide the map identification number(s) upon registration.
For more information about how to provide testimony, either in advance or during the meeting, please click here. The meeting, which includes closed captioning and Spanish translation, will conclude upon the completion of testimony from the last speaker, and any discussion among the commissioners
This is the second of three rounds of public meetings – the first round was a listening tour to discuss redistricting in general; the second round is underway and citizens can discuss DRAFT Commission redistricting maps as well as any submitted redistricting maps; and the third round begins October 6 after the Commission has further developed legislative and congressional maps.
WHO: Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission
WHAT: Virtual Meeting with Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission (See next Monday night’s agenda here)
WHEN: Monday, September 20 at 6:00 p.m. until all speakers are complete
HOW TO JOIN THE MEETING OR SUBMIT TESTIMONY IN ADVANCE OF OR DURING THE VIRTUAL MEETING: To register for the meeting, sign up to give live testimony from your computer, tablet, or smartphone, or to simply watch the meeting, click here. The meeting will be streamed in both English and Spanish. You can also dial in by calling (301) 715-8592 and entering the webinar ID 822 6517 9476. You can also submit your comments electronically or send a redistricting question to redistricting.commission@maryland.gov.