First of Several Regional Meetings to be Held to Solicit Comments on Redistricting from Residents of Maryland’s Eastern Shore; Open and Transparent Process will Produce Fair Maps for State Legislative and Congressional Districts
(June 8, 2021) ANNAPOLIS, MD – The Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission (Commission) is holding the first of several regional meetings to solicit public comments about redistricting in Maryland. The virtual meeting is Wednesday evening, June 9 at 6 p.m. for residents of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, including residents of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester counties. While the meeting will be focused on redistricting in these Eastern Shore counties, all Marylanders are welcomed to join the meeting.
The Commission will conduct additional regional meetings later in 2021 to allow citizens to offer comments on the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts after Census data is received prior to the drawing of the maps. An additional round of meetings will also be offered once the maps have been drawn prior to submission to Governor Hogan.
In January, Governor Hogan issued an executive order establishing the nine member Commission, which is charged with drawing fair and representative legislative and congressional maps for the 2022 elections that are compact and respect natural and subdivision boundaries to the extent practicable, and without accounting for political parties. Throughout his time in office, the governor has led the charge for redistricting reform in Maryland and nationwide.
Residents who would like to speak at the public meeting should go to this link to sign up. If someone prefers to send testimony in advance of or after the meeting, it can be sent via email to redistricting@maryland.gov.
The governor’s executive order charges the Commission with producing fair maps for both state legislative and congressional districts that comply with a set of criteria, including:
• Compliance with the U.S. Constitution and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and compliance with applicable judicial direction, rulings, judgments, and orders;
• Respect for natural boundaries and geographic integrity and continuity of political subdivisions, to the extent practicable;
• Geographic compactness, to the extent practicable; and
• Does not take into account citizens’ party affiliation or the address of an incumbent office holder or a candidate for office
The Commission is conducting regional meetings to allow citizens to offer comments on the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts, along with multiple public meetings, prior to the drawing of the maps.
For additional information, go to redistricting.maryland.gov.