Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that funding has been included in the FY 2019 Maryland Capital Budget in the amount of $120,500 for improvements to Waterside Park on Fitzwater Street. The funding comes via the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Community Parks and Playgrounds (CP&P) Program, and will be used to construct a new multi-use playing field, a new playground sign at the park and a paved parking lot. Funds will also be allocated to much-needed storm water improvements at the site.
Waterside Park is beginning to come into its own. Last year, the City made use of a $78,000 Open Space Grant to completely overhaul the crumbling basketball courts. The playing surface, which had become cracked to the point of being unusable, was milled off and replaced. New uprights, nets, and fence were also installed as part of the month-long project.
The park has also become the home of the Waterside Community Garden, which empowers neighborhood residents to get involved in their public space, giving them a greater sense of ownership. 2018 is the garden’s first full growing season.
“Waterside Park is a perfect example of how you can neglect a space and watch the life drain right out of it,” said Mayor Day. “Over the past 2 years, we have been bringing that space back, giving the community a place to gather, and giving kids a place to play. The improvements which will be made possible by this funding will bring Waterside Park even closer reaching its full potential, and I am excited to see the progress.
“As always, I am tremendously grateful for the hard work of Debbie Stam, our Assistant Director of Housing and Community Development, who pursued this funding. Cooperation with our partners at the State level is absolutely vital to us reaching our goals, and Debbie’s expertise in that area is second-to-none.”