Mayor Randy Taylor and the City of Salisbury Welcomes the SACC to New Headquarters

Bill Chambers and new chamber business partner

Chamber members, local elected officials, business, and organizational leaders gathered on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at the City of Salisbury Headquarters and Downtown Salisbury Visitor’s Center for the SACC’s Business After Hours.  It was a fantastic networking event that gathered nearly one hundred attendees!

The Salisbury Headquarters building, a former City firehouse, also contains employee offices for the Mayor’s Office, Clerk’s Office and Arts, Business and Culture Department. The Mayor’s Office and Clerk’s Office moved out of the Government Office Building, which provided more space in that building for other City departments. The Visitor Center and Arts, Business and Culture Department moved from a location on North Division Street.

Salisbury Mayor Randy Taylor greeted the attendees by sharing “We appreciate you coming tonight and joining us.  I have been coming up with a pretty sharp learning curve the last months, but I feel like we are up on plane, and we are going to start getting some grinding work done and that is what I am looking for now.   We need the support of the business community and people in general.  I’d love to hear from you. Speaking about community, we have a gala coming up celebrating the 70th anniversary of The Salisbury Zoo on June the 8th from 5pm-9pm and we are encouraging everyone to join us and/or become sponsors.”

Guests enjoyed delicious appetizers and libations and participated in our 50/50 raffle that benefits the SACC Scholarship Endowment Initiative to provide scholarships for lower shore students.

Join us at our next Business After Hours on June 13, 2024, hosted by Wicomico County Education Foundation at the Greater Salisbury Committee offices. Register at