The next Mayor’s Neighborhood Roundtable will be held on April 21, 2015 at 6:00pm in Room 306, 125 N. Division Street. Solar City will be presenting a program on residential solar energy. All residents are encouraged to attend.
SolarCity is the leader in the green energy revolution for residential solar in the Nation. SolarCity wants to share our company’s vision and goals for the near future. Attendees will explore the current utility situation in the Eastern Shore area and how close we are to reaching the standards of the Maryland Renewable Electricity Mandate. SolarCity will also be showcaseing their progress in Salisbury with the many residential systems already installed as well as commercial projects such as the Walmart and Wicomico Center. Lastly, SolarCity would like to educate our leaders about the forthcoming project with the James M. Bennet High School as well as share their plan to increase residential solar in Salisbury and reduce utility costs in the community.
Key points about the project:
-There is no upfront cost
-Simple and hassle-free to the homeowner
– Will reduce our carbon footprint
– Help families reduce electricity costs by using a more affordable and reliable source of energy.
Please RSVP to the Mayor’s office at 410-548-3100.