· To begin preparing, you should build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan.
Recommended Supplies To Include In A Basic Emergency Kit:
Ø Water, one gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and sanitation.
Ø Food, at least a three-day supply per person of non-perishable food.
Ø Battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both.
Ø Flashlight and extra batteries.
Ø First Aid kit.
· Determine now where you would go and how you would get there if you are ask to evacuate. Those evacuating areas should seek shelter with friends, family, at hotels/motels or at secondary homes out of the evacuation area using a public shelter as a last resort because of capacity concerns related to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions. Information on evacuation zones/areas associated with storm surge/tidal flooding can be accessed through the Department of Emergency Services’ (DES) web site mentioned below.
If a tropical storm/hurricane is likely in your area, you should:
· During and prior to any storm, listen to local news and utilize a NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio with a warning alarm tone to receive warnings and information.
Residents of the County can obtain additional information on hurricane/tropical storm preparedness as well as other emergency preparedness topics by utilizing the DES web site at www.wicomicocounty.org/es in the section entitled Emergency Preparedness Topics or by calling 410-548-4820 for information. Go to the QUICK LINKS section on the right side of the DES web site and select ESPANOL to the have the web site translated to Spanish or select KREYOL AYISYEN to the have the web site translated to Haitian Creole.