Interested in obtaining a Maryland Home Improvement Contractor’s License (MHIC)? The session will be presented by Alvin White of the Dept. of Labor and Licensing (DLLR) Home Improvement Commission.
This workshop is open to building contractors, individuals desiring to start a home improvement or landscaping business, those presently working within a construction trade field, and all other interested persons.
Topics Discussed Will Include:
1. Licensing Requirements
2. How to prepare for the licensing exam
3. The application process
When: Tuesday, September 22, 2015- 11:30am – 1:30pm
Where: The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce
144 E. Main Street
Salisbury, MD 21801
Registration: Pre-registration is required. To pre-register or for more information regarding this course please contact Denise Davis, Outreach Coordinator, MCE at: 410-546-1900 or email: ddavis@marylandcapital.org
Sign up online at www.marylandcapital.org
Course Fee: $15.00 per person