Mid-Shore Pro Bono Promotes Donating to Internship Program

people smiling and holding hands in the middle of a circle

Through generous donor support, Mid-Shore Pro Bono was able to launch a new paid internship program in honor of the nonprofit’s long-time executive director, Sandy Brown, who loves working with young people and is always willing to help students interested in addressing injustice.

In 2022, MSPB successfully hosted seven student interns who helped with elder law clinics, rent court, legal research, and outreach events.

Mid-Shore Pro Bono now seeks support to prepare for its next group of summer interns. Contributions in any amount to the Sandy Brown Public Interest Internship Fund assist students in their journey towards a career in public interest and help address injustices in our society.

Examples of support include $3,500 to cover one student’s semester stipend; $1,500 to cover travel expenses for one intern to shadow an attorney at court, assist with clinics, and support outreach; $500 helps to provide computer equipment and technology; and $100 invests in one intern orientation training. Additionally, a monthly contribution of $50 will ensure that continuous funds are available to pay for student stipends on an ongoing basis

You can help Mid-Shore Pro Bono reach its goal of supporting five interns this year by making a donation at www.midshoreprobono.org/donate.

Mid-Shore Pro Bono delivers a mission of helping Maryland’s Eastern Shore residents obtain access to legal assistance for civil matters through a network of volunteers and offices in Easton and Salisbury. Individuals seeking expungement services can complete an online intake form at www.midshoreprobono.org, or call 410-690-8128 during normal business hours.