The Rotary Club of Salisbury is pleased to welcome to its Thursday, March 7 meeting Mitzi Perdue. Her topic is “Leadership Tips from Mega Successful People.”
Perdue, the widow of Frank Perdue, has previously shared with the club the attitudes that helped to make her husband one of the most successful executives in the poultry industry. Perdue Farms, Inc. continues equally as strong today as a testament to Frank’s leadership plan.
Mitzi also had the unique opportunity to witness another business titan in action. What many may not know is that she is also the daughter of Ernest Henderson, co-founder of the Sheraton Hotel chain. As an inquisitive child, she was always interested in what made her father a success and would question him regularly.
At the March 7 meeting, Mitzi will speak to the biggest leadership attitudes that led both men to unusual success.
Annually, The Rotary Club of Salisbury channels nearly $90,000 back into our community through the support of agencies and causes including: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, scholarships for local high school and college students, Fruitland Fire Department, Christian Shelter, Wicomico County third grade dictionaries, RYLA, Easter Seals Camp Fairlee, MAC, Inc., Meals on Wheels, Parsons Home, Polio Eradication (Global), Fruitland Community Center, HALO, Wicomico County Library, The Salvation Army, Mission of Mercy, the construction of wheel chair ramps and much more.
The Rotary Club of Salisbury meets every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the Rotary Scout and Community Center at 1715 Riverside Drive in Salisbury. To learn more about the Rotary Club of Salisbury or to obtain membership information, please contact Membership Chairman Ginnie Malone at 410-251-6188 or GMalone@cbmove.com or visit the club’s website at www.rotarysalisbury.org.