This month Scuttle is flying in to Lower Shore Enterprises, where he will remain for the duration of March.
Scuttle is the winning heron from the Build a Heron competition initiated by Wicomico County’s Stash Your Trash Anti-Litter Campaign. Scuttle is made of 100% recycled materials. Each month a green-friendly member of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce has a chance to be chosen to display Scuttle.
Lower Shore Enterprises uses propane to heat the facility. They use propane and gas to fuel five buses and have a 91.2 kw solar project. LSE also uses low energy lighting and recycles close to 500,000 lbs. of paper and cardboard each year.
Priscilla Timken presented Bill Turner, CEO of Lower Shore Enterprises with a Green Business certificate from the SACC Beautification Committee for being a ‘Green Businesses’, and for supporting the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County’s Stash Your Trash Anti-Litter Campaign and eco-friendly initiatives in the workplace.
About Lower Shore Enterprises:
For almost 50 years, the award-winning Lower Shore Enterprises has successfully placed individuals with disABILITIES™ from Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester Counties into jobs in the community.
Our goal is to find productive employment for all who want it, thereby increasing their independence and helping them realize their dreams.
For those who are ready to work, evaluators and employment specialists assess their skills and abilities, then develop a personalized employment plan and prepare them for placement. Those who are not yet ready for employment receive training in Lower Shore Enterprises’ production facilities (under the careful direction of highly dedicated, professionally-trained supervisors) while earning a real paycheck.
We currently have approximately 120 clients in our facility each day, along with 40 staff. Another 40 or so are employed/volunteer in the community either directly, or work on our custodial crews. We offer custodial and mail production services to local businesses or governmental agencies and we are the only NAID certified document destruction company in the Salisbury area.